Solutions to Common Queries

Number of movies

select count(*)
from movies;

Number of actors

select count(*)
from actors;

Number of rows in cast

select count(*)
from cast;

Movies in a range of mid values

select *
from movies
where mid>112303 and mid <114000
limit 10;

Movies named “Frozen” (case sensitive)

select *
from movies
where title = "Frozen"
limit 10;

Movies name “frozen” (case insensitive)

select *
from movies
where title like "frozen"
limit 10;

Movies with title containing “star”.

select *
from movies
where title like "%star%"
limit 10;

Movies with “adventure” in genres

select *
from movies
where genres like "%adventure%"
limit 10;

Minimum year of movies in database

select min(year)
from movies;

Maximum year of movies in database

select max(year)
from movies;

Count of movies per year

select year, count(year)
from movies
group by year
limit 20;

Average number of actors per movie (uses subquery)

select avg(n)
from (
        select count(aid) as n
        from cast
        group by mid

Actors in movies titled “Frozen”

select mid, title, year, name, role, aid
from movies join cast using(mid) join actors using(aid)
where title like "Frozen";

Movies for Emma Stone sorted descending by year

select name, title, year
from movies join cast using(mid) join actors using(aid)
where name="Emma Stone"
order by year desc;

Movies for Chris Evans sorted by title

select name, title, year
from movies join cast using(mid) join actors using(aid)
where name="Chris Evans"
order by title;

Movies for George Clooney sorted by title

select name, title, year
from movies join cast using(mid) join actors using(aid)
where name="George Clooney"
order by title;

Top actors (most movies over 30)

select name, count(mid) as c
from cast join actors using(aid)
group by name
having c >= 30
order by c desc
limit 10;

Top actors (most movies since 2015)

select name, count(mid)
from movies join cast using(mid) join actors using(aid)
where year >= 2015
group by name
order by count(mid) desc
limit 10;

Same two actors in two movies (complete version, note less than (<) instead of not equal (<>) in final part of the where to avoid reversed duplicates)

select,, m1.title, m2.title
from actors a1 join cast c1 using (aid)
        join cast as c2 using(mid)
                join cast as c3 on c1.aid=c3.aid
                        join cast as c4 on c2.aid = c4.aid and c3.mid=c4.mid
                                join actors a2 on c4.aid=a2.aid
                                        join movies as m1 on m1.mid=c1.mid
                                                join movies as m2 on m2.mid=c4.mid
where c1.aid <> c2.aid and c1.mid < c3.mid
limit 10;

Same two actors in two movies, one of which is Emma Stone

select,, m1.title, m2.title
from actors a1 join cast c1 using (aid)
        join cast as c2 using(mid)
                join cast as c3 on c1.aid=c3.aid
                        join cast as c4 on c2.aid = c4.aid and c3.mid=c4.mid
                                join actors a2 on c4.aid=a2.aid
                                        join movies as m1 on m1.mid=c1.mid
                                                join movies as m2 on m2.mid=c4.mid
where c1.aid <> c2.aid and c1.mid < c3.mid and like "Emma Stone"
limit 10;